

Paul King

欢迎来到世界文化遗产巴斯市。 巴斯以其宏伟的建筑和罗马遗迹而闻名于世,是一座充满活力的城市,拥有40多个博物馆、良好的餐馆、优质的购物场所和剧院。

罗马浴场和宏伟的寺庙围绕着天然温泉而建,温泉温度高达46°C,在第一和第五世纪之间是罗马人在Aquae Sulis的生活中心。 遗迹非常完整,包括雕塑、硬币、珠宝和Sulis Minerva女神的青铜头像。 参观罗马浴场时,如果不参观一下品尝一下在18世纪的泵房(Pump Room)里喝茶、喝咖啡或吃点心,泵房在当时是乔治亚时代的娱乐中心,它就位于圣殿之上。

15世纪的修道院、水泵房和罗马浴场就位于城市的中心。 巴斯修道院遗产拱顶非常值得一游:18世纪的拱顶为展览、展示和介绍1600多年的修道院历史提供了一个不同寻常的环境。

See_also: 沃尔特-斯科特爵士

巴斯的乔治亚风格建筑令人叹为观止。 皇家新月广场由年轻的约翰-伍德在17世纪末建造,已被指定为世界遗产建筑,皇家新月广场1号已由巴斯保护信托基金精心修复,看起来就像最初建造时的样子。 马戏团建造的时间稍早,由约翰-伍德的父亲设计,由约翰-伍德完成。许多名人都曾在马戏团居住过,包括庚斯伯勒和印度的克莱夫勋爵。

普尔特尼桥是该市最著名的地标之一,是欧洲仅有的两座支持商店的桥梁之一。 1770年由著名建筑师罗伯特-亚当(Robert Adam)仿照佛罗伦萨的佩奇奥桥(Ponte Vecchio)建造,在这里你可以找到小型专业商店和餐馆。 定期从河的东岸开船,提供巴斯的其他(非常美丽)景观。

巴斯也因其鬼魂居民而闻名。 城市周围有导游,可以参观他们最喜欢的地方。 也许其中最著名的是在大会堂附近看到的戴黑帽的人和皇家剧院的散发着茉莉花香的灰夫人。

巴斯最古怪的地标一定是贝克福德塔,这是一个位于兰斯当的19世纪早期的怪胎,可以俯瞰整个城市,并跨越塞文河到达威尔士。 该塔建于1827年,周围有一个维多利亚时代的墓地,对游客开放,包括一个位于塔底的两层建筑的博物馆。(适合!)塔的游客可以爬上156级台阶,登上美丽的沿着螺旋形的楼梯来到经过豪华修复的美景宫,欣赏全景。

其他可以参观的地方包括服装博物馆、美国博物馆和简-奥斯汀中心。 巴斯最吸引人的地方之一是市中心很小,可以步行游览。 在巴斯停车可能是一个相当大的噩梦,但有 "停车和乘车 "计划,游客可以免费停车,然后乘坐巴士进入市区。




See_also: 皇家海军在历史上的规模




博物馆 s

Paul King

Paul King is a passionate historian and avid explorer who has dedicated his life to uncovering the captivating history and rich cultural heritage of Britain. Born and raised in the majestic countryside of Yorkshire, Paul developed a deep appreciation for the stories and secrets buried within the ancient landscapes and historic landmarks that dot the nation. With a degree in Archaeology and History from the renowned University of Oxford, Paul has spent years delving into archives, excavating archaeological sites, and embarking on adventurous journeys across Britain.Paul's love for history and heritage is palpable in his vivid and compelling writing style. His ability to transport readers back in time, immersing them in the fascinating tapestry of Britain's past, has earned him a respected reputation as a distinguished historian and storyteller. Through his captivating blog, Paul invites readers to join him on a virtual exploration of Britain's historical treasures, sharing well-researched insights, captivating anecdotes, and lesser-known facts.With a firm belief that understanding the past is key to shaping our future, Paul's blog serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting readers with a wide range of historical topics: from the enigmatic ancient stone circles of Avebury to the magnificent castles and palaces that once housed kings and queens. Whether you are a seasonedhistory enthusiast or someone seeking an introduction to the enthralling heritage of Britain, Paul's blog is a go-to resource.As a seasoned traveler, Paul's blog is not limited to the dusty volumes of the past. With a keen eye for adventure, he frequently embarks on on-site explorations, documenting his experiences and discoveries through stunning photographs and engaging narratives. From the rugged highlands of Scotland to the picturesque villages of the Cotswolds, Paul takes readers along on his expeditions, unearthing hidden gems and sharing personal encounters with local traditions and customs.Paul's dedication to promoting and preserving the heritage of Britain extends beyond his blog as well. He actively participates in conservation initiatives, helping to restore historical sites and educate local communities about the importance of preserving their cultural legacy. Through his work, Paul strives not only to educate and entertain but also to inspire a greater appreciation for the rich tapestry of heritage that exists all around us.Join Paul on his captivating journey through time as he guides you to unlock the secrets of Britain's past and discover the stories that shaped a nation.