Ancestry DNA与MyHeritage DNA的对比--回顾

 Ancestry DNA与MyHeritage DNA的对比--回顾

Paul King



See_also: 多塞特-奥瑟

要想知道更多,你需要追溯你的家谱。 有许多工具可以帮助你做到这一点:像和这样的网站可以让你获得数以百计的资料,例如可以追溯到1831年的人口普查。 要想进一步研究,你可以查阅教区记录,或者现在你甚至可以追溯你的DNA!这就是为什么你可以在你的家谱上找到更多的信息!

我们测试了目前最流行的两款DNA检测试剂盒。 还有其他产品,但这两款是市场的领导者。 我们发现对于这两款试剂盒来说,初始成本是相当的,DNA结果的显示方式也非常相似。 两款产品都有清晰简单的说明,检测也很容易做。


两种试剂盒都只测试常染色体DNA。 常染色体DNA是你从所有祖先那里继承的DNA,而不仅仅是来自你的家谱的某条线或分支。 它无助于识别个别祖先,但它确实提供了一个种族的概念,即你的祖先来自世界何处。

你的常染色体DNA大约有一半来自你的母亲,一半来自你的父亲,你的父亲也有一半来自他们的父母,以此类推。 有趣的是,兄弟姐妹可能有不同的结果,因为尽管他们有相同的父母,并从每个人那里得到50%的常染色体DNA,但他们不一定得到相同的50%!


民族性的结果非常有趣,可以证实你的家谱研究,或者为你指出正确的方向,但对识别个体祖先没有帮助,也许那些在世的亲属的DNA也在该公司的数据库中。 这两家公司只有在你允许的情况下才允许潜在的亲属与你联系。

然而,这可能是一个有用的工具,因为其他亲戚可能有更多与你的家谱有关的信息;他们可能已经追踪到了你不知道的祖先,这可能是一个在你自己的家谱上取得快速进展的好方法。 不过,值得仔细检查一下信息,因为有时可能会犯错误。 例如,如果研究威尔士的祖先,很常见的是,一个诸如Davies或Roberts这样的姓氏,发现有几个家庭住在同一个小村庄里,名字也是一样的!

Ancestry DNA回顾

费用 49英镑至79英镑
DNA取样方法 唾液
取得成果的时间 最多两个月

可以帮助你做到这一点的产品之一是Ancestry DNA套件,由英国历史研究所的一个团队试用。

这套工具包括一本说明手册、一个用于收集唾液的塑料管和一个用于寄送样本的预付费盒子。 操作非常简单:你根据说明手册中的细节在网上注册,然后将唾液吐到管子里,达到标记处,密封并寄送检测。

我们将通过电子邮件向您通报测试的最新进展,以及何时可以查看测试结果。 一般来说,这可能需要几周到几个月的时间。




See_also: 达勒姆历史郡指南




MyHeritage DNA回顾

费用 39英镑起
DNA取样方法 唾液
取得成果的时间 3至4周

另一个可在线购买的产品是MyHeritage DNA,总部设在美国,也是由英国历史博物馆的另一位团队成员试用。

该试剂盒要求你取颊拭子,然后寄回实验室进行处理(你必须支付寄往美国的邮费)。 结果大约在4-5周内到达,通过电子邮件发送。






总的来说,我们发现无论哪种试剂盒都能提供很好的结果,而且显示方式相似。 每种试剂盒的价格相当,如果你愿意,两家公司都允许你与潜在的亲属建立联系。 如果你已经是Ancestry的会员,并且正在使用它来制作你的家谱,那么也许AncestryDNA试剂盒可能是最好的,反之,MyHeritageDNA也是如此。 当然,你的选择可能只是归结于你喜欢哪种取样方法!

Paul King

Paul King is a passionate historian and avid explorer who has dedicated his life to uncovering the captivating history and rich cultural heritage of Britain. Born and raised in the majestic countryside of Yorkshire, Paul developed a deep appreciation for the stories and secrets buried within the ancient landscapes and historic landmarks that dot the nation. With a degree in Archaeology and History from the renowned University of Oxford, Paul has spent years delving into archives, excavating archaeological sites, and embarking on adventurous journeys across Britain.Paul's love for history and heritage is palpable in his vivid and compelling writing style. His ability to transport readers back in time, immersing them in the fascinating tapestry of Britain's past, has earned him a respected reputation as a distinguished historian and storyteller. Through his captivating blog, Paul invites readers to join him on a virtual exploration of Britain's historical treasures, sharing well-researched insights, captivating anecdotes, and lesser-known facts.With a firm belief that understanding the past is key to shaping our future, Paul's blog serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting readers with a wide range of historical topics: from the enigmatic ancient stone circles of Avebury to the magnificent castles and palaces that once housed kings and queens. Whether you are a seasonedhistory enthusiast or someone seeking an introduction to the enthralling heritage of Britain, Paul's blog is a go-to resource.As a seasoned traveler, Paul's blog is not limited to the dusty volumes of the past. With a keen eye for adventure, he frequently embarks on on-site explorations, documenting his experiences and discoveries through stunning photographs and engaging narratives. From the rugged highlands of Scotland to the picturesque villages of the Cotswolds, Paul takes readers along on his expeditions, unearthing hidden gems and sharing personal encounters with local traditions and customs.Paul's dedication to promoting and preserving the heritage of Britain extends beyond his blog as well. He actively participates in conservation initiatives, helping to restore historical sites and educate local communities about the importance of preserving their cultural legacy. Through his work, Paul strives not only to educate and entertain but also to inspire a greater appreciation for the rich tapestry of heritage that exists all around us.Join Paul on his captivating journey through time as he guides you to unlock the secrets of Britain's past and discover the stories that shaped a nation.