

Paul King
地址: Malting Lane, Clare, Sudbury CO10 8NW

电话: 01787 277731

网站: //clarecastlecountrypark.co.uk/

See_also: 1189年和1190年的大屠杀

拥有者:: 克莱尔镇议会

开放时间 : 位于克莱尔城堡乡村公园内,每天从08.30-17.00免费开放。

公众访问 : 这个占地36英亩的家庭式公园的大部分地方都可以让轮椅进入。

See_also: 格林斯泰德教堂--世界上最古老的木制教堂

中世纪城堡的遗迹,motte and bailey。 motte and bailey城堡是由征服者威廉的表弟理查德-菲茨-吉尔伯特在诺曼征服后不久建造的。 这个地方以前是一个封建庄园和男爵的所在地。 是德-克莱尔家族在13世纪用一个石头堡垒取代了第一个木质结构,后来这个城堡成为德-克莱尔家族的家。伊丽莎白-德-克莱尔(Elizabeth de Clare)是英格兰最富有的女性之一。 作为她的主要住所,该城堡规模宏大、豪华,周围有广阔的场地,包括一个水花园和一个鹿园。 伊丽莎白需要大量的工作人员,据说她还进口了一些奢侈品,如葡萄酒、香料和毛皮。

这座城堡特别突出,因为它有100英尺(30米)高,底座有850英尺(259米)宽。 13世纪的守卫遗迹,包括部分圆塔和墙体碎片,在土丘顶部仍然可见。 这座城堡被一个双贝雷包围,可能由一条堤道连接,也可能是一座吊桥。 在传给王室后,这座城堡陷入了大东方铁路的建设摧毁了大部分的内堡。 遗迹是一个预定的纪念碑和二级*的建筑。 它们构成了一个公共公园的核心。


Paul King

Paul King is a passionate historian and avid explorer who has dedicated his life to uncovering the captivating history and rich cultural heritage of Britain. Born and raised in the majestic countryside of Yorkshire, Paul developed a deep appreciation for the stories and secrets buried within the ancient landscapes and historic landmarks that dot the nation. With a degree in Archaeology and History from the renowned University of Oxford, Paul has spent years delving into archives, excavating archaeological sites, and embarking on adventurous journeys across Britain.Paul's love for history and heritage is palpable in his vivid and compelling writing style. His ability to transport readers back in time, immersing them in the fascinating tapestry of Britain's past, has earned him a respected reputation as a distinguished historian and storyteller. Through his captivating blog, Paul invites readers to join him on a virtual exploration of Britain's historical treasures, sharing well-researched insights, captivating anecdotes, and lesser-known facts.With a firm belief that understanding the past is key to shaping our future, Paul's blog serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting readers with a wide range of historical topics: from the enigmatic ancient stone circles of Avebury to the magnificent castles and palaces that once housed kings and queens. Whether you are a seasonedhistory enthusiast or someone seeking an introduction to the enthralling heritage of Britain, Paul's blog is a go-to resource.As a seasoned traveler, Paul's blog is not limited to the dusty volumes of the past. With a keen eye for adventure, he frequently embarks on on-site explorations, documenting his experiences and discoveries through stunning photographs and engaging narratives. From the rugged highlands of Scotland to the picturesque villages of the Cotswolds, Paul takes readers along on his expeditions, unearthing hidden gems and sharing personal encounters with local traditions and customs.Paul's dedication to promoting and preserving the heritage of Britain extends beyond his blog as well. He actively participates in conservation initiatives, helping to restore historical sites and educate local communities about the importance of preserving their cultural legacy. Through his work, Paul strives not only to educate and entertain but also to inspire a greater appreciation for the rich tapestry of heritage that exists all around us.Join Paul on his captivating journey through time as he guides you to unlock the secrets of Britain's past and discover the stories that shaped a nation.