

Paul King


六国赛可以追溯到1883年,最初的名称是 "本土国家锦标赛",当时由英格兰、爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士参加。 最近,六国赛期间的一些个人比赛也颁发了奖杯,包括授予英格兰和爱尔兰之间比赛的赢家的 "千年奖杯";朱塞佩-加里波第Quaich "是一种浅色的双柄苏格兰盖尔语酒杯或碗。


See_also: 罗马人在英格兰


继1872年橄榄球被引入印度后,加尔各答(橄榄球)足球俱乐部于1873年1月由橄榄球学校的前学生成立,并于1874年加入橄榄球联盟。 然而,随着当地一个英国军团的离开(也许更关键的是俱乐部的免费酒吧被取消!),该地区对橄榄球的兴趣减少了,诸如如板球、网球和马球开始蓬勃发展,因为它们更适合印度的气候。

虽然加尔各答(橄榄球)足球俱乐部于1878年解散,但成员们决定将他们银行账户中剩余的270银卢比熔化后制成奖杯,以保持俱乐部的记忆。 然后,该奖杯被提交给橄榄球联盟(RFU),作为 "为橄榄球事业做一些持久好事的最佳手段"。

该奖杯高约18英寸(45厘米),坐落在一个木质底座上,底座上的板子上写着每场比赛的日期;获胜的国家和两队队长的名字。 银杯上有精致的蚀刻和装饰,三个眼镜蛇王构成了杯的把手,坐在圆形杯盖上的是一头印度大象。


原始奖杯仍然存在,但多年的虐待(包括1988年英格兰球员迪安-理查兹和苏格兰球员约翰-杰弗里在爱丁堡王子街的一次醉酒踢球,奖杯被用作球)使其过于脆弱,无法从特威克纳姆橄榄球博物馆的永久住所搬走。 相反,英格兰和苏格兰都有全尺寸的当英格兰队成为胜利者时,奖杯的原件由橄榄球博物馆在一个专门建造的带旋转支架的奖杯柜中展示。

加尔各答俱乐部认为,该奖杯将作为俱乐部比赛的年度奖项,类似于大约在同一时期推出的足球足总杯。 事实上,加尔各答板球和足球俱乐部于1884年在加尔各答重新建立了橄榄球,并推出了名为加尔各答橄榄球联盟挑战杯的俱乐部奖杯,该奖杯也被称为加尔各答杯。然而,RFU倾向于将比赛保持在国际水平上,以保持这项运动的 "绅士 "而非竞争性质,并承担向职业化发展的风险。



由于威尔士没有国家队,爱尔兰队也远远落后于英格兰和苏格兰队,加尔各答杯在1878年传入英国后,成为每年英格兰对苏格兰比赛的胜利者奖杯。 自1879年的第一场比赛(被宣布为平局)以来,英格兰在130场比赛中赢得71场,苏格兰赢得43场,其余的比赛以平局结束。除了1915-1919年和1940-1946年的世界大战期间,双方之间的年度比赛一直持续到现在。 自1925年以来,偶数年的比赛地点总是在苏格兰的默里菲尔德体育场,自1911年以来,奇数年的比赛地点是英格兰的特威克纳姆体育场。

随着1883年本土国家比赛的引入以及爱尔兰和威尔士队的巨大进步,有人建议将加尔各答杯给本土国家比赛的冠军。 然而,奖杯给英格兰对阵苏格兰比赛的胜利者的传统很受欢迎,该建议被否决了。




See_also: 60年代的圣诞节

Paul King

Paul King is a passionate historian and avid explorer who has dedicated his life to uncovering the captivating history and rich cultural heritage of Britain. Born and raised in the majestic countryside of Yorkshire, Paul developed a deep appreciation for the stories and secrets buried within the ancient landscapes and historic landmarks that dot the nation. With a degree in Archaeology and History from the renowned University of Oxford, Paul has spent years delving into archives, excavating archaeological sites, and embarking on adventurous journeys across Britain.Paul's love for history and heritage is palpable in his vivid and compelling writing style. His ability to transport readers back in time, immersing them in the fascinating tapestry of Britain's past, has earned him a respected reputation as a distinguished historian and storyteller. Through his captivating blog, Paul invites readers to join him on a virtual exploration of Britain's historical treasures, sharing well-researched insights, captivating anecdotes, and lesser-known facts.With a firm belief that understanding the past is key to shaping our future, Paul's blog serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting readers with a wide range of historical topics: from the enigmatic ancient stone circles of Avebury to the magnificent castles and palaces that once housed kings and queens. Whether you are a seasonedhistory enthusiast or someone seeking an introduction to the enthralling heritage of Britain, Paul's blog is a go-to resource.As a seasoned traveler, Paul's blog is not limited to the dusty volumes of the past. With a keen eye for adventure, he frequently embarks on on-site explorations, documenting his experiences and discoveries through stunning photographs and engaging narratives. From the rugged highlands of Scotland to the picturesque villages of the Cotswolds, Paul takes readers along on his expeditions, unearthing hidden gems and sharing personal encounters with local traditions and customs.Paul's dedication to promoting and preserving the heritage of Britain extends beyond his blog as well. He actively participates in conservation initiatives, helping to restore historical sites and educate local communities about the importance of preserving their cultural legacy. Through his work, Paul strives not only to educate and entertain but also to inspire a greater appreciation for the rich tapestry of heritage that exists all around us.Join Paul on his captivating journey through time as he guides you to unlock the secrets of Britain's past and discover the stories that shaped a nation.