

Paul King

传统的水手海歌的起源已经在时间的长河中消失了。 至少可以追溯到14世纪中期,海歌来自古老的商船 "高大 "的时代。



See_also: 爱丁堡


See_also: 乔治四世

虽然这些歌曲的实际演唱可以追溯到几百年前,但 "shanty "这个词的起源却比较新。 通过字典可以追溯到1869年左右,shanty的拼写有很多变化,包括chantey和chanty。 关于shanty这个词的实际来源也有一些争论,有些人引用了法语单词 "chanter","以唱歌',还有人提议使用英文 "chant",与那些宗教的格雷戈里式圣歌同义。


与那些士兵男孩的行军歌曲类似,《绞盘山歌》是为配合有规律的节奏性工作而唱的,例如为提升沉重的铁锚而绕着绞盘踩踏。 除了吸引水手的注意力--当然还有逗乐--之外,没有其他特殊要求,几乎任何民谣都可以被用于这一目的,只要它是在要求的节奏,最好有一些 "肮脏的 "暗示...... "告别和告别你,西班牙的女士们 "也许是一个著名的例子。

在这种工作中,除了要保持水手们的注意力外,还必须确保所有水手在同一时间拉动,中间要有足够的空隙来重新抓紧。通常这种 "呼唤和回应 "的棚歌是由一个单独的棚歌手唱诗,水手们加入合唱。 以棚歌《波尼》为例;






但毫无疑问,棚户区的主要吸引力是为水手们在漫长的海上航行中每天遇到的艰苦体力劳动带来幽默感和乐趣。 据说,在船上有一个好的棚户区居民就等于有几个额外的人手,因此,这种宝贵的资产往往享有特殊的特权,如较轻的任务,以及/和。或者也许多加一壶朗姆酒。

然而,那些新式蒸汽船的到来结束了高大船只的时代,也结束了对原始人力的需求。 因此,到了20世纪之交,海上棚歌的声音很少听到,几乎被遗忘,但由于包括塞西尔-詹姆斯-夏普(1859-1924)在内的几位名人的努力,我们已经留下了200多首这些水手的工作歌曲。



Paul King

Paul King is a passionate historian and avid explorer who has dedicated his life to uncovering the captivating history and rich cultural heritage of Britain. Born and raised in the majestic countryside of Yorkshire, Paul developed a deep appreciation for the stories and secrets buried within the ancient landscapes and historic landmarks that dot the nation. With a degree in Archaeology and History from the renowned University of Oxford, Paul has spent years delving into archives, excavating archaeological sites, and embarking on adventurous journeys across Britain.Paul's love for history and heritage is palpable in his vivid and compelling writing style. His ability to transport readers back in time, immersing them in the fascinating tapestry of Britain's past, has earned him a respected reputation as a distinguished historian and storyteller. Through his captivating blog, Paul invites readers to join him on a virtual exploration of Britain's historical treasures, sharing well-researched insights, captivating anecdotes, and lesser-known facts.With a firm belief that understanding the past is key to shaping our future, Paul's blog serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting readers with a wide range of historical topics: from the enigmatic ancient stone circles of Avebury to the magnificent castles and palaces that once housed kings and queens. Whether you are a seasonedhistory enthusiast or someone seeking an introduction to the enthralling heritage of Britain, Paul's blog is a go-to resource.As a seasoned traveler, Paul's blog is not limited to the dusty volumes of the past. With a keen eye for adventure, he frequently embarks on on-site explorations, documenting his experiences and discoveries through stunning photographs and engaging narratives. From the rugged highlands of Scotland to the picturesque villages of the Cotswolds, Paul takes readers along on his expeditions, unearthing hidden gems and sharing personal encounters with local traditions and customs.Paul's dedication to promoting and preserving the heritage of Britain extends beyond his blog as well. He actively participates in conservation initiatives, helping to restore historical sites and educate local communities about the importance of preserving their cultural legacy. Through his work, Paul strives not only to educate and entertain but also to inspire a greater appreciation for the rich tapestry of heritage that exists all around us.Join Paul on his captivating journey through time as he guides you to unlock the secrets of Britain's past and discover the stories that shaped a nation.